
新商盟网 2023-02-15 00:00 225


  烟草在线据《烟业通讯》报道编译  这可能被证明是烟草历史的一个决定性时刻,一个团队开始向英国政府建议,电子卷烟和其他产品可以用于降低目前由吸烟所造成的危害。










UK strikes a blow for harm reduction

Tobacco ReporterSep 16, 2011

  In what could prove to be one of the defining moments in the history of tobacco, a team set up to advise the UK government has suggested that electronic cigarettes and other products could be used to reduce the harm currently caused by smoking.(新商盟网xinshangmeng.org)

  In some other countries, states and cities, legislation is being enacted to ban such products, or at least to regulate them on the same basis as traditional cigarettes are regulated.

  This is despite the fact that electronic cigarettes contain no tobacco and do not deliver any of the products of tobacco combustion that are believed to be linked to the diseases suffered by smokers.

  In its first annual report, the Cabinet Office's Behavioural Insights Team, which was established in July last year, has come out in favor of "exploring new products for people addicted to nicotine – products that deliver nicotine quickly in a fine vapour instead of as harmful smoke".

  These products, the team said, "could prove an effective substitute for 'conventional smoking'".

  "It will be important to get the regulatory framework for these products right, to encourage new products, which smokers can use as safer nicotine alternatives, to be made available in the UK."

  "A tenet of behaviour change is that it is much easier to substitute a similar behaviour than to extinguish an entrenched habit (an example was the rapid switch from leaded to unleaded fuel)."(新商盟网xinshangmeng.org)

  "If more alternative and safe nicotine products can be developed which are attractive enough to substitute people away from traditional cigarettes, they could have the potential to save tens of thousands of lives a year."

  One of the most significant aspects of the team's report is that it is likely to build confidence within the tobacco industry and beyond that investments made in improving the nicotine products available will not be wasted in the face of draconian legislation introduced at the behest of those who believe in a quit-or-die approach to smoking.

  The Behavioural Insights Team was set up with the objective of realizing the coalition government's intention to find "intelligent ways to encourage, support and enable people to make better choices for themselves [in respect of a large number of issues, not just tobacco]".



