烟草在线据《国际烟草杂志》报道编译 《每日自由报》报道,根据4年内每年将卷烟消费税提高一次的规定,首次提税从12月1开始,每包卷烟的消费税上提12.5%,预计会使每包卷烟的平均价格提高至20澳元(13.4欧元)。
Australia: Quadruple-punch Tax Hikes Begin(新商盟网xinshangmeng.org)
Excise tax on a pack of cigarettes rose 12.5 per cent from 1 Dec under the first of four annual tobacco-tax hikes expected to raise the average pack price to AUD 20 (EUR 13.40), the Daily Liberal reported.
The excise tax plan was announced in August to help balance the budget by raising an estimated AUD 5.3 billion over four years. Funds also would be used to deter young people from smoking and paying medical costs of smoke-related diseases, the government said in August. Subsequent 12.5 per cent increases are planned for 1 Sept in the next three years.
Cancer Council research cited by the Daily Liberal held nearly two-thirds of smokers would try to quit if the price of tobacco increased 15 per cent. Enditem(新商盟网xinshangmeng.org)