
新商盟网 2023-02-07 00:42 170


  烟草在线据《便利店决策》报道  2013年的新年决心肯定要包含“戒烟”了,而且手边也有大量的戒烟产品帮助美国人戒烟。根据Mintel公司的一份关于戒烟辅助产品的报告说,人们会使用这些产品。


  Mintel公司的健康保健分析师Emily Krol说:“由于越来越多的美国人要灭掉手里的卷烟,尽管经济环境挑战性很大,但戒烟产品市场预计仍将增长。不过,戒烟产品品牌则面临着某些挑战。吸烟者人数下滑以及吸烟禁令的增多和卷烟税的上提,正在使潜在戒烟产品使用者的市场萎缩。戒烟产品市场的增长机会将在于产品的创新和产品系列的拓展。”



  Emily Krol继续说:“为了帮助对付这些挑战,戒烟产品品牌可以前摄性地提供健康解决方案和建议,帮助消费者对自己戒烟的能力和保持自己想要的体重更有信心。”





US: Smoking Cessation Sales Hit $1 Billion

  New Years resolutions are sure to include "quit smoking" this year, and there are plenty of smoking cessation products on hand to help Americans quit, and according to a new report from Mintel on smoking cessation aids, people are expected to use them.

  Sales of smoking cessation products are projected to increase 3% from 2011-12, reaching $1 billion and they are expected to continue growth through 2017 reaching $1.2 billion in sales.(新商盟网xinshangmeng.org)

  "As more Americans put out their cigarettes, the market for smoking cessation products is expected to grow, despite challenging economic circumstances," said Emily Krol, health and wellness analyst at Mintel. "However, smoking cessation brands face certain challenges. A declining number of smokers, as well as increased smoking bans and taxes on cigarettes are shrinking the market of potential users. Growth opportunities for this market will be found in product innovation and line extensions."

  While most people know the dangers of smoking, the addiction to nicotine isn't the only reason it's hard to drop the habit. Sixty percent of Americans who currently smoke or have previously quit, say "it's hard to motivate myself to quit, because I enjoy it;" however, 60% say "health warnings about smoking scare me." Nevertheless, nearly half (48%) feel strongly that they would be able to quit smoking at any time.

  Moreover, among those Americans who have previously quit or are interested in quitting, more than four in 10 (41%) say gaining weight is their biggest challenge to quitting smoking. Of those concerned with weight gain, 54% are women versus 31% men.

  "To help with this challenge, smoking cessation brands can proactively provide healthy solutions and tips to help consumers feel more confident in their ability to quit smoking and keep their weight where they want it," Krol continued.

  Of the anti-smoking products currently available, 41% of those interested in quitting say they are interested in trying OTC nicotine sprays, and 41% a prescription nicotine inhaler. Forty percent would go for OTC nicotine replacement lozenges and 38% are interested in switching to nicotine-free cigarettes.

  Of non-nicotine replacement based methods, 35% are interested in trying hypnosis, 34% acupuncture and some 37% would be interested in individual therapy or a support group specific for smoking. And, in this day and age…there's an app for that. Thirty percent of people are willing to try a quit smoking app on their smartphone or tablet.(新商盟网xinshangmeng.org)

  While there is an endless supply of smoking cessation options already available ranging from patches to lozenges, it seems consumers have some ideas of their own for different formats to help curb the craving. Of those who have previously quit smoking or are interested in quitting, almost half (48%) would be interested in a nutrition bar or a drink that could help them quit smoking and 46% would like a lollipop with low amounts of nicotine.

  When trying different products, it's very important to 61% of Americans who have previously quit or are interested in quitting that they aren't left with a craving, and 59% say they don't want it to be expensive. Meanwhile, 56% say they want a product that’s easy to understand and 54% think it's very important it doesn't leave a bad taste in their mouth. When it comes to support systems, one in five (25%) say it's very important to have an in-person support system or coach. Enditem



