
新商盟网 2023-02-13 03:06 136


  烟草在线据《外国人》报道编译  1月3日,星期二,公共卫生官员发起了一个积极活动,旨在在挪威杜绝吸烟情况。


  挪威的卫生主管拉尔森(Bjørn-Inge Larsen)表示,他的任务是确保今天的年轻人是明天无烟的一代,同时鼓励及帮助现在的吸烟者戒烟。







Government on anti-smoking offensive

The ForeignerJan 3, 2011

  Public health officials launched an aggressive campaign, Tuesday, aimed at stamping out smoking in Norway.

  Today's move, called "Time to quit?" ("På tide å slutte ?"), is designed to prevent smoking's 5,100 annual deaths. The government has set aside 19 million kroner to spend on the previously unconfirmed campaign.(新商盟网xinshangmeng.org)

  Norwegian Directorate of Health Director Bjørn-Inge Larsen states he is tasked with ensuring young people today are the smoke-free generations of tomorrow, whilst motivating and helping current smokers to stop.

  "The campaign's core message is that quitting smoking is good, and help is available," he says.

  An Australian film containing vivid scenes showing some of the consequences of smoking, including the doubled risk of strokes, will be screened on national television as part of the drive.

  According to health officials, the footage, dubbed into Norwegian, has been thoroughly tested and shown to have been extremely effective in the US, Australia, and several European countries. Two additional films show the connection between smoking and lung disease.

  Citing a poll that shows four out of five agree with showing the consequences of smoking, Bjørn-Inge Larsen argues, "I understand many react to the campaign's measures, but far too many die from tobacco-related diseases. 19 percent of the population between 16 and 74 smoked daily in 2010."

  The inquiry also reportedly shows many people are unaware of smoking's health risks.(新商盟网xinshangmeng.org)

  "We know that quitting smoking is the single factor that can save the most lives, suffering, and public health money," concludes Mr Larsen.



