
新商盟网 2023-02-09 15:16 163


  烟草在线据美国商业电讯报道编译  22世纪公司(OTCBB: XXII)7月11日宣布,该公司的NBB基因获得了中华人民共和国国家知识产权局颁发的许可通知书和澳大利亚知识产权局颁发的专利,该基因能调控烟草植物中的尼古丁合成,该公司已开发出烟草减害的突破性技术和一些戒烟产品。



  公司研发副总裁Michael Moynihan博士表示:“NBB基因技术是22nd Century的知识产权基石之一,代表着我们的第二代基因技术,显著优于我们早先的技术。”特别要指出,NBB的唯一功能是合成尼古丁和其他烟碱。



Chinese and Australian Patents Allowed for 22nd Century's NBB Nicotine Biosynthesis Gene

  International Patent Application PCT/IB2006/001741, from which the Chinese and Australian national-phase patents were derived to 22nd Century Group, Inc., covers methods for producing tobacco plants with reduced nicotine levels and tobacco products produced therefrom. Besides nicotine, NBB is also responsible for the production of other nicotinic alkaloids, such as anatabine and anabasine. The NBB gene is a gene responsible for nicotine production in the tobacco plant.

  The NBB gene encodes a protein involved in the final step of nicotine biosynthesis, "nicotine synthase," which has eluded scientists for decades. This protein can either be down-regulated or up-regulated to produce tobacco varieties with a wide range of nicotine levels. Dr. Takashi Hashimoto of the Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST), a world-renowned plant molecular biologist, is an inventor of the NBB technology. 22nd Century funded research and development at NAIST from 2005 to 2009 and NAIST assigned various related patent families to 22nd Century in 2010, including the NBB technology. International Patent Application PCT/IB2006/004043 covers methods utilizing NBB for producing tobacco plants and products with increased nicotine levels.(新商盟网xinshangmeng.org)

  The company's vice president of research and development, Dr. Michael Moynihan stated, "The NBB gene technology is one of the keystones of 22nd Century's intellectual property and represents our second-generation gene technology that has significant advantages over our earlier technology." Specifically, the sole function of NBB is to produce nicotine and other nicotinic alkaloids.

  22nd Century expects the NBB gene technology to play an important role in reducing the harm caused by smoking. The company announced on April 10, 2012 that it will file applications with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for two types of modified risk cigarettes in accordance with the FDA's Modified Risk Tobacco Product Applications Draft Guidance. A presentation titled, Effect of Smoking Low Tar-to-Nicotine Ratio Cigarettes on Smoke Exposure, will be given by 22nd Century Group at the 66th Tobacco Science Research Conference being held in Concord, North Carolina on September 9-12. The presentation will summarize 22nd Century's planned exposure study on one of its two modified-risk cigarette candidates.

  22nd Century owns or is the exclusive licensee of 102 issued patents in 78 countries plus an additional 37 pending patent applications - mainly related to all of the key nicotine biosynthesis genes and the potential modified risk tobacco products produced therefrom. 22nd Century owns or is the exclusive licensee of 6 patents in China plus 2 pending patent applications and 5 patents in Australia. Additional patent applications will be filed by the company in both countries. China is the largest tobacco market in the world that consumes more than 2 trillion cigarettes per year.



