
新商盟网 2023-02-09 05:33 167


  烟草在线据《便利店新闻》报道编译  据由加拿大卫生部委托进行的一项最新调查结果显示,美国对卷烟包装印制图片健康警语的提议可能被暂时搁置了,但从去年秋季开始,加拿大的卷烟包装已印制了健康警语,不过并未达到预期效果。

  据《国家邮报》报道称,加拿大卫生部在今年3月委托环境研究集团(Environics Research Group)对吸烟者开展了一次基线调查。该项目调查了1505位加拿大的成年吸烟者。该调查结果显示,绝大多数的吸烟者承认吸烟是一个主要的健康问题;但是,只有不到一半的受访者认为烟盒上的健康警语对改变他们的整体吸烟习惯是有效的。







Canadian Smokers Still Lighting Up Despite Graphic Warnings(新商盟网xinshangmeng.org)

  Graphic cigarette warning labels may be on hold in the United States but cigarette packages in Canada have featured the health warnings since last fall and they may not be having the intended effect, according to a new survey commissioned by Health Canada.

  According to the National Post, Health Canada commissioned Environics Research Group to do a baseline survey of smokers this past March. The project surveyed 1,505 Canadian adult smokers. The survey found that smokers overwhelmingly recognize smoking is a major problem; however, fewer than half of respondents consider the warning labels effective at changing their overall smoking habit.

  Specifically, nearly nine in 10 said they have seen, heard or read about the earlier health warning messages. One in three said they look at the warning messages at least once a day. Most smokers participating in the survey said warning messages provide accurate, important information about the health effects of smoking. The images they recall tend to be the most graphic, according to the report.

  But if the graphic warnings are meant to dissuade adult smokers from lighting up, they may be missing the target -- with one in three survey respondents indicating the warnings have been effective in getting them to smoke less. About four in 10 said the messages have increased their desire to quit smoking or made them try to quit.(新商盟网xinshangmeng.org)

  Retailers in Canada had until June 19 to ensure that all cigarette packaging in their stores featured the new warnings. Similar warnings were set to be go into effect in the United States this September; however, several tobacco companies have been fighting the efforts in the legal arena. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) unveiled the nine warnings in June 2011 with a Sept. 22, 2012 implementation fate. However, in August 2011 several tobacco companies, including R.J. Reynolds, Lorillard Inc., Commonwealth Brands Inc. and Liggett Group LLC, filed a lawsuit to block the mandate on First Amendment grounds.

  Rulings to date have appeared to come down on the side of the tobacco companies but the FDA is not giving up. The matter is widely expected to end up before the U.S. Supreme Court, as CSNews Online as previously reported. Enditem



