新年戒烟 你能坚持吗?

新商盟网 2023-02-20 05:26 372

摘要:这篇文章主要介绍了新年戒烟 你能坚持吗?,需要的朋友可以参考下,如果你喜欢还可以浏览新年戒烟 你能坚持吗?的最新相关推荐信息。

  烟草在线据《中国日报》报道  发誓在新的一年里一定要戒烟,却又忍不住点燃一支?你不是个例外。澳大利亚的一项调查显示,在新年决心中表示要戒烟的人中,仅有3%的人正在坚持。




  将推出戒烟游戏软件的育碧公司的总经理Edward Fong声称:“我们的调查结果显示,澳大利亚的大多数烟民都想戒烟,但很难坚持下来。对于大部分人来说,戒烟的愿望还不够迫切。”





New Year pledge going up in smoke? You're not alone

China Daily

  Promised yourself to quit smoking in the new year, but just can't stop lighting up? You're not alone, with an Australian survey showing that only 3 percent of smokers who made such resolutions stuck with them.

  An online poll of just over 1,000 people, conducted ahead of the launch of a video game designed to help smokers quit, showed one in four Australians made New Year's resolutions to quit -- but more than half went back on their word within a week.(新商盟网xinshangmeng.org)

  Some 15 percent lit up within hours of making the pledge, the survey showed.

  The research revealed that seven out of ten smokers have tried to kick the habit at some point.

  "Our research shows that the majority of smokers in Australia want to quit but are struggling to stick to their resolution. For most people, the desire to stop smoking is not enough," Edward Fong, general manager of Ubisoft, the videogame manufacturer selling the anti-smoking software, said in a statement.

  According to the survey, Australian smokers light up an average of 13.8 cigarettes every day or 5,037 cigarettes a year.

  There are currently 2.63 million smokers in Australia, which equates to 16 percent of the population over the age of 18, with women on average making more attempts to quit than men.

  The World Health Organization says smoking kills about 4 million people each year, causing a quarter of deaths related to heart disease.(新商盟网xinshangmeng.org)

  The organization estimates that by 2030, more than 8 million people will die from tobacco-related causes each year, mainly in developing countries.

新年戒烟 你能坚持吗?


